We Can Help.

In a constantly changing environment, there are obstacles but also unique opportunities. No matter what comes your way, Stratigon can help you stay inflexible on your goals but flexible on the journey.

Vision and strategy form the starting point – but we do not stop at analyses and concepts. We get down to business and work together with you on the implementation. We take action where change is needed and where it will have an impact.

We want to add value, so we limit ourselves to only what we are capable of. Our team combines complementary specialist and industry knowledge and continues to educate itself. 

We work with founders, start-ups, small and medium-sized companies, public institutions, NGOs, research and educational institutions across Europe.
Below you will find an overview of our range of services:

What we do

We support you in developing and sharpening your business model, formulating the vision and strategy and preparing a concrete implementation plan, which we then convert into an integrated financial plan. We analyze your target group, the market and the competition as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your company – and work with you to develop a viable start-up and growth concept.

We would be happy to assist you with the financing of your project, develop the pitch deck and coach you for the financing discussions.

Added value

We accompany you along the entire process: starting with the idea, through the start-up to the market launch and successful establishment in the market. We do not work with standardized templates and concepts from the drawer, but rather listen and develop an individual concept. You benefit from our experience of numerous successful start-up and growth concepts that we have supported or implemented ourselves over the past 15 years.

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Private Sector:

We can help:

  • Drive social impact and ROI

  • Increase your ESG activities and ranking

  • Change organizational culture and operations

  • Identify, understand and connect with consumers

  • Apply data and technology to business decisions


Public Sector:

We can help:

  • Drive social impact and ROI

  • Increase your ESG activities and ranking

  • Change organizational culture and operations

  • Identify, understand and connect with consumers

  • Apply data and technology to business decisions


European Projects:

We can help:

  • Turn your innovative idea into a robust funding proposal

  • Bring together the right partners for a powerful consortium

  • Draft and submit the proposal

  • Plan, implement and disseminate your project